Hi, I'm Ben.

I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, and visual artist. I’m the Art Director at Maly Marketing.

I live and work in Lincoln, NE, USA.

I am the founder of EYESKULL.

I have taught Graphic Design and Web Design as an adjunct at UNL. I have also been an instructor at Southeast Community College in the Graphic Design | Media Arts program.

For a little more (definitely outdated) info, check out my bio here: http://art.benswift.com/bio/

Design Portfolio

My design portfolio includes a variety of projects from my professional career in design.

Design Portfolio


EYESKULL® is my design, art, and apparel company. From posters to band merch to original art. Everything.


Art Blog

Check out my art blog- it goes back to 2006 or something.

Art Blog

Get in touch?

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